ABSTRACT The study was carried out to examine the challenges of teaching Physical Education in Primary Schools Kumi district focusing in Nyero Sub County. The study was guided by set objectives which were directed to examine teachers' attitudes towards the teaching of physical education in primary schools, identify the challenges encountered in teaching of physical education in primary schools, and to find out the measures to improve teaching of physical education in primary schools The research was compiled in five chapters where chapter one presented basP.Iine information related to the study. It presented information on areas such as background, the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research objectives, research questions, the scope of the Study, and significance of the study. Chapter two presented the review of the literature related to the study. The literature was obtained from different related books, journals among others and was presented according to the specific objectives of the study. Chapter three focused on the methods and procedures that were employed in the study. These comprised the following; the research design, study population, sample size, and sampling techniques, the types of instruments that were used for data collection, the procedures that were followed when conducting research and method that were used when analyzing the d.1ta. Chapter four presented, interpreted and discussed the findings of the study according to themes with the reflection of the objectives of the research and methodology used to generate the data that has been analyzed and the research questions that are been answered. The fi~dings have been discussed in relation to the literature review in chapter two. · Chapter five dealt with t~e discussion, conclusions from the research study, and recommendations from the study. The study findings gave highlights of ·what should be done to improve on t!1e teaching and learning of physical education in primary schools. But most importantly, call fo r collective participation, collaboration and coordination among stakeholders involved.